September 8, 2023

5 Indian Influencers supporting social causes and activism

As soon as we hear the term “Influencer Marketing”, the first thing that comes to mind is brand collaborations. Brands are increasingly using this influence to their advantage to receive wider reach and create awareness, especially because consumers are increasingly spending time on social media.

While that is an incredibly smart move, how many of us stop and think that creators have the voice and the platform to bring about change? Their positive influence can help many by amplifying causes that require the attention of a larger population!

Let’s dive into the reasons why influencers are the best fit to spread awareness about social causes.

  1. Wide reach: Creators often have a large following on social media platforms, which allows them to reach a broad audience quickly and effectively. By sharing their support for a social cause, they can spread awareness easily.
  1. Authenticity: Influencers are often seen as relatable and trustworthy, which can make their support for a cause more authentic and impactful. When an influencer genuinely cares about a social issue and shares their connection to it, their followers are more likely to believe in it and take action.
  1. Credibility: Creators often have expertise in a particular area or are seen as an authority in their field. This can lend credibility to the social cause they are supporting and help convince others to take action.
  1. Influence over behaviour: Creators can influence their followers' behaviour and encourage them to take positive actions related to a social cause. For example, an influencer may promote a fundraising campaign, encourage followers to sign a petition or promote volunteer opportunities.
  1. Leveraging social media: Social media platforms are an ideal way to spread awareness and build momentum for a social cause. Influencers can use their social media platforms to share information, resources, and calls to action related to the cause they are supporting. This can motivate others to lend a helping hand and bring about change.

Here are five influencers who are using their voices on social media to garner maximum support and create impact for various social causes.

  1. Licypriya Kanjugam

Licypriya is an 11-year-old child climate activist from India. With climate change causing a global impact, the lack of awareness is surprising. Licypriya is working not only to build awareness but also to create maximum impact to preserve the future her generation deserves. From the grassroots to representing India in 7 UN events, she has come a long way and has a long journey ahead!

  1. Kailash Satyarthi

A Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Kailash Satyarthi has and continues to campaign against child labour in India and advocates the right of education for children. Kailash helps spread awareness of these causes and how one can actively take part in making an impact through the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation.

  1. Pradeep Sangwan

An avid trekker, environmentalist, and founder of Healing Himalayas, Pradeep Sangwan’s herculean efforts to clean up the Himalayas have not gone unnoticed. With hordes of tourists visiting the breathtaking mountain range, littering is common, and education is the need of the hour to first clean up and then avoid waste from being generated. Pradeep and his team are doing a stellar job of creating awareness.

  1. Vani Murthy

Living sustainably does not have to be all or nothing, one can start small and gradually amp up their efforts! Through Vani’s Instagram, one can learn more about slow living, composting, natural cleaning products, the negative effects of single-use products and more. We live in the era of convenience, but we can certainly be mindful of how much waste we tend to generate. 

  1. Falguni Vasavada

Body positivity, style without boundaries, and beauty non-conforming European standards. Falguni embodies these values in every content piece she creates, with some humour thrown in too. Many people go through body image issues in different degrees and it is important to talk about it. Seeing “flaws” in a different, refreshing light is what we need to accept ourselves a little more, every day. While she’s not advocating for this cause, Falguni teaches marketing, advertising, and related subjects at MICA.

Humans are connected by beliefs and working together towards a cause builds community. As brands and creators, it is important to spread awareness about causes that align with one’s values. With the advent of social media like never before, making use of it to amplify voices that are rarely heard becomes easy.

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Namitha Bogadi (
Content Specialist